The One Stone Method is a productivity technique that divides work into short, focused intervals. Unlike the Pomodoro Technique, both work cycles and breaks become progressively shorter with each round, promoting increasing intensity.

Ideal for:

Let’s go!

Preparation (5-10 min)

Clear workspace. List top tasks. Split big tasks. Prep materials. Set session goal.

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You can use this: Effective To-Do Lists (5-10 min)


1. Flow Cycle (40 min)

Dive deep into your task with laser-like focus! Embrace the challenge and push through distractions for the full 40 minutes. Remember, this is your time to shine and make significant progress towards your goals!

Timer: 40 min

Timer Widget Integrations

Simple Timer Widget

Pomodoro Timer Web Widget

Concentration Music

Break Time (8 min)

Here are 3 tasks and easy tasks for your break:

Timer: 8 min

Funky Dj-Set

3 min Meditation

80s Workout

Jazzy Music

Short Reads

Good To Know